martes, 26 de abril de 2016


The song I like at the moment is The less I know the better by Tame Impala.I think I heard it for the first time at the end of last year, when I found out that the band had a new album coming out.I really liked the entire album because I think it is a little different from the previous ones, but always mantaining their style.
Since then I always play the song and the album when I have to study or do another assigment.
I actually really like the band, I went to see them in 2013 when they came to Chile, but I didn't like the concert very much beacuse  I thought that the songs weren't played with the enthusiasm thet they deserved, it wasn't boring but also I think the crowd was more happy to be there than the band, it was a shame. Maybe it was that concert in particular, they were in Lollapalooza a few weeks ago and I heard that they were one of the bands who played there.
The video of the song is very interesting too, the song is about a guy who was left by a girl and can't get ver it, and then finds out that she is with another guy, so in the video the other guy is shown like a monster that doesn't leave the girl alone.
Hope you listen to the song and let me know what you think of it.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

A photo

The photo i am going to talk about was taken in Valparaiso too, I think it was in Cerro Alegre but I can't remember surely, about one year ago.
Me and my boyfriend went for the day to go through Valparaiso, going up and down almost every hill, taking a lot of pictures. I had been before but only to Cerro Alegre that it is more turistic, so it was the opportunity to go over all the hills and have a great time.
I took a zenit camera so we couldn't see the pictures right away and when we developed the photographs we had a lot more fun lookind a them at the same time.
Because there is a lot of street art in Valparaiso, you want to photograph every corner and you want to make sure you went to every hill because you don't want to miss anything.
I like this photo in particular because i think it is funny that he is imitating the figure, and that he looks similar to it, with the glasses and everything.It is also fun to play with the figure and not just simply take a picture of it or pose next to it.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Place that i like

A place that i like to go is San Cristobal Hill. I go there with my best friend from highschool, i like going with her because i don't get to see her that much so is like the opportunity to catch up.
We made a deal last year that we have to go once a week, preferably on Saturday afternoon, but life happens and we haven't followed that very much haha, although we have gone a few times.
Once we get to the top almost every time we are dead so we need to sit down to rest a little bit, then we buy something to eat like cookies or a sandwich in case we didn't bring something with us, or we buy "mote con huesillo" if we are too thirsty.
The last time we went was probably in December of last year, sadly it is been difficult to keep the agreement happening, because my friend doesn't have much time now.

Subject i like

Right now what i like to study ad learn is weaving, i took a workshop of three classes and now i am obssesed.
I like doing it because i think is fun and very relaxing, also i like the designs you can create and all the color you can use and combine, i'm only a beginner but i really enjoy doing it.
I have learnt that patience is everything and that by doing something fast, you are not going to have a great result. Also you can have a great design but once you have started, you change things al the time, even the colors.
For me this is important because for a long time i wanted to leran how to do loom weaving, and i have watched tutorial s and everything but i didn't started until i went to the workshop, i think it was harder than i thought, but i think i you want to do something, just do it! :)

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Architect i admire

The architect i am going to talk about today is Walter Gropius.He was an architect, ubanist and designer.
Gropius was born in Germany and was son of an architect.
He founded the Design School named Bauhaus in 1919, were the students were taught to use modern materials to createoriginal and functional objects, furniture and buildings. He was in charge of  the institution until 1928.
Then he continued his work, making big blocks of houses, because he thought that it was the solution to the social and urban issues.
In 1934 he left germany, because of the nazis, to England for three years before moving to the United States.
His work is known for representing the bauhaus style, because they are made with new materials that gives a modern look, wich was not known in that time.
The appearence are smooth and with clear lines and don't have ornamental elements that are unnesessary. He is the creator of the "international style" in architecture.
Some of his work are: The gropius House (Germany), Bauhaus School(Germany) and PanAm Tower (New York).
When i first hear about Gropius was when i had the History of Design class back in 2012 when i was in my first year of university, i remember i really liked that class beacuse the theacher knew a lot and he made the classes very fun.
I like this architect because of the simplicity of his work and because he tried to make everything ver functional.