martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

The future

I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I was younger,  and then when I was in highschool I also didn’t know what I wanted to be but I knew I had to go to college no matter what.

I think in ten years I will be living in Chile, maybe in the south of Chile or maybe just in Santiago. I do want to travel and I hope that I do in the years to come but I don’t think I will be living in another country, I don’t know why but I just don’t see it happening.
What I think I will be doing is having my own shop where I will be selling my weavings and other handmade stuff, it could be a virtual shop or a real shop and hope I can live by doing that haha, but I think in reality is not very possible, but I can dream.
I think I will be sharing my life with a partner or if not with a cat, and with my family of course. I don’t really want to have children so I wouldn’t be sharing my life with them.
I hope by that time I will have graduate college and to have the shop I mention above and I don’t know what else.

I hope we see a lot of changes in the world but I don’t think ten years is enough time to change everything that is wrong with it. Maybe I want people to take more conscience with everything they do like, what they eat, buy, etc to think about where the things they buy come from and maybe that way we can make little but significant changes in the world.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

Long Weekend

This weekend i didn’t do much. I just stayed at home because i got sick and i didn’t feel like going out ore ven take a walk.
To star the weekend on friday afternoon i went shopping with my best friend, but ended up buying nothing because my cellphone got stolen, i was pretty sad bacause my history with cellphones hasn’t been the best, and my father gave it to me not so long ago. So i went home phoneless and sick, a great way to start the weekend haha.
But then my boyfirend came to my house and watched a Mr. Robot marathon.
On saturday i wasn’t feeling great so i stayed in my pijamas all day, just chilling and doing some work for uni.
On Saturday i was feeling better so i went to persa Biobio, i like going there to and see all the things there are, and to get some food, usually i get some falafels. They were very good.
Yesterday i dedicated my day to spend time with my family and helped my mom cleaning the house. Then in the afternoon I  watched a movie, and at night i had to finish an assigmnent for Tuesday mornind so I satayed up late and went to bed around 2 a.m.

martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Classmate blog

I am going to talk about another classmate's blog today. Her name is Maria and she has written 7 posts. The design of the blog is very simple, but colorfull too. The background is a picture painted in watercolor with red, pink and orange shades. Then the posts are in a white rectangle with the letters in black and the titles in pink.
Not every post has a picture ,but some has more than one, in total there are 10 pictures and no video.

There is a post that she talk about the last movies she has seen. It is called Thelast movie I saw.It has 221 words in total, and i choose it because i wantes to know her opinion in the movies she watched.

Review of language

Well, hi everybody, today I will write about the last movies that I saw (ww). Like all(sm) know it(nn), this last month, the free time is too(ww) much, so my frequency in the(ww) cinema has increased. Also, much(ww) movies which it(nn) have been premiere, are my favorites movie(sp). So, my awareness say “We must watch this movie, now” and I am a person too(ww) impressionable.(we)

I think,(nn) three weeks ago, for my birthday with my sister, we went to watch X-men: apocalypses. And I must say, this movie it(nn) is so “cool”, maybe the story it(nn) is different to (sm) comic, but it is(nn) try(wf) to keep the essence of (sm) story. Also, the soundtrack I like too much.(we)

After the(nn) one week, with my other sister, we went to watch “Me before You”… and, I don’t know, the movie makes me laugh, but the other persons(ww) in the cinema are(wf) cry(wf) like a river, maybe I am not the most sensible person in the world, but the movie is(wf) not as sad as I thought.

And the last movie that(nn) I saw(ww), it(nn) was “Finding Dory”, this movie I LOVE IT(we)(nn), the little Dory it(nn) is so cute and her life is terrible, but I don’t(ww) comment about this movie, because I don’t want(sm) say(nn) spoiler of(nn) the movie. Well, that was it.