martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Classmate blog

I am going to talk about another classmate's blog today. Her name is Maria and she has written 7 posts. The design of the blog is very simple, but colorfull too. The background is a picture painted in watercolor with red, pink and orange shades. Then the posts are in a white rectangle with the letters in black and the titles in pink.
Not every post has a picture ,but some has more than one, in total there are 10 pictures and no video.

There is a post that she talk about the last movies she has seen. It is called Thelast movie I saw.It has 221 words in total, and i choose it because i wantes to know her opinion in the movies she watched.

Review of language

Well, hi everybody, today I will write about the last movies that I saw (ww). Like all(sm) know it(nn), this last month, the free time is too(ww) much, so my frequency in the(ww) cinema has increased. Also, much(ww) movies which it(nn) have been premiere, are my favorites movie(sp). So, my awareness say “We must watch this movie, now” and I am a person too(ww) impressionable.(we)

I think,(nn) three weeks ago, for my birthday with my sister, we went to watch X-men: apocalypses. And I must say, this movie it(nn) is so “cool”, maybe the story it(nn) is different to (sm) comic, but it is(nn) try(wf) to keep the essence of (sm) story. Also, the soundtrack I like too much.(we)

After the(nn) one week, with my other sister, we went to watch “Me before You”… and, I don’t know, the movie makes me laugh, but the other persons(ww) in the cinema are(wf) cry(wf) like a river, maybe I am not the most sensible person in the world, but the movie is(wf) not as sad as I thought.

And the last movie that(nn) I saw(ww), it(nn) was “Finding Dory”, this movie I LOVE IT(we)(nn), the little Dory it(nn) is so cute and her life is terrible, but I don’t(ww) comment about this movie, because I don’t want(sm) say(nn) spoiler of(nn) the movie. Well, that was it.

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